#set record=~/Maildir/arachnitech/Sent set sidebar_visible = yes set sidebar_short_path # Shorten mailbox names set sidebar_delim_chars="/" # Delete everything up to the last / character set sidebar_width=27 #set sidebar_folder_indent # Indent folders whose names we've shortened #set sidebar_indent_string=" " # Indent with two spaces color sidebar_new yellow default color sidebar_indicator default color17 # Dark blue background color sidebar_highlight white color238 # Grey background color sidebar_spoolfile yellow default # Yellow color sidebar_new green default # Green color sidebar_ordinary default default # Default colors color sidebar_flagged red default # Red color sidebar_divider color8 default # Dark grey ## set record="~/Maildir/Sent Mail" set spoolfile="+franklin/INBOX" # set header cache set header_cache=~/Localmail/hcache set mbox_type=Maildir set folder=~/Maildir/ set sort=reverse-date-received set pager_stop=yes set fast_reply set include=yes # IMAP and INBOX (this should map to any existing IMAP folders) folder-hook arachnitech/* source ~/.mutt/accounts/arachnitech folder-hook franklin/* source ~/.mutt/accounts/franklin # auto_view text/html #alternative_order text/plain text/enriched text/html auto_view text/html auto_view text/calendar # Just do what I tell you to, consequences be damned set noconfirmappend #set confirmappend=yes set delete=yes # Show new notification when mail arrives set new_mail_command="notify-send -t 2000 --icon='/home/kellya/images/mutt-1.png' -a mutt -c mail \ 'New Emails' '%n new messages' &" # Run a script to cat anything that has .rc as the extension to auto source things source ~/.mutt/sources.sh| # Addressbook lookup #set query_command="khard email -p '%s'" bind editor complete-query set editor="nvim -S ~/.mutt/vimrc"