#!/usr/bin/env python """Entry point to start an instrumentalized bot for coverage and run tests.""" from os import environ from subprocess import Popen, run from time import time from unittest import main import httpx import yaml from synapse._scripts.register_new_matrix_user import request_registration BOT_URL = 'http://localhost:4785' MATRIX_URL, MATRIX_ID, MATRIX_PW = (environ[v] for v in ['MATRIX_URL', 'MATRIX_ID', 'MATRIX_PW']) def wait_available(url: str, key: str, timeout: int = 10) -> bool: """Wait until a service answer correctly or timeout.""" def check_json(url: str, key: str) -> bool: """Ensure a service at a given url answers with valid json containing a certain key.""" try: data = httpx.get(url).json() return key in data except httpx.ConnectError: return False start = time() while True: if check_json(url, key): return True if time() > start + timeout: return False def run_and_test(): """Launch the bot and its tests.""" if not wait_available(f'{MATRIX_URL}/_matrix/client/r0/login', 'flows'): return False # Try to register a user for the bot. with open('/srv/homeserver.yaml') as f: secret = yaml.safe_load(f.read()).get("registration_shared_secret", None) request_registration(MATRIX_ID, MATRIX_PW, MATRIX_URL, secret, admin=True) bot = Popen(['coverage', 'run', 'matrix_webhook.py']) if not wait_available(BOT_URL, 'status'): return False ret = main(module=None, exit=False).result.wasSuccessful() bot.terminate() for cmd in ['report', 'html', 'xml']: run(['coverage', cmd]) return ret if __name__ == '__main__': exit(not run_and_test())