""" Matrix Webhook. Post a message to a matrix room with a simple HTTP POST """ import asyncio import json import logging from http import HTTPStatus from signal import SIGINT, SIGTERM from aiohttp import web from markdown import markdown from nio import AsyncClient from nio.exceptions import LocalProtocolError from nio.responses import RoomSendError from . import conf ERROR_MAP = {"M_FORBIDDEN": HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN} CLIENT = AsyncClient(conf.MATRIX_URL, conf.MATRIX_ID) LOGGER = logging.getLogger("matrix-webhook") async def handler(request): """ Coroutine given to the server, st. it knows what to do with an HTTP request. This one handles a POST, checks its content, and forwards it to the matrix room. """ LOGGER.debug(f"Handling {request=}") data = await request.read() try: data = json.loads(data.decode()) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: return create_json_response(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid JSON") # legacy naming if "text" in data and "body" not in data: data["body"] = data["text"] # allow key to be passed as a parameter if "key" in request.rel_url.query and "key" not in data: data["key"] = request.rel_url.query["key"] if not all(key in data for key in ["body", "key"]): return create_json_response( HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, "Missing body and/or API key property" ) if data["key"] != conf.API_KEY: return create_json_response(HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, "Invalid API key") if "formatted_body" in data: formatted_body = data["formatted_body"] else: formatted_body = markdown(str(data["body"]), extensions=["extra"]) room_id = request.path[1:] content = { "msgtype": "m.text", "body": data["body"], "format": "org.matrix.custom.html", "formatted_body": formatted_body, } for _ in range(10): try: resp = await send_room_message(room_id, content) if isinstance(resp, RoomSendError): if resp.status_code == "M_UNKNOWN_TOKEN": LOGGER.warning("Reconnecting") await CLIENT.login(conf.MATRIX_PW) else: return create_json_response( ERROR_MAP[resp.status_code], resp.message ) else: break except LocalProtocolError as e: LOGGER.error(f"Send error: {e}") LOGGER.warning("Trying again") else: return create_json_response( HTTPStatus.GATEWAY_TIMEOUT, "Homeserver not responding" ) return create_json_response(HTTPStatus.OK, "OK") def create_json_response(status, ret): """Create a JSON response.""" LOGGER.debug(f"Creating json response: {status=}, {ret=}") response_data = {"status": status, "ret": ret} return web.json_response(response_data, status=status) async def send_room_message(room_id, content): """Send a message to a room.""" LOGGER.debug(f"Sending room message in {room_id=}: {content=}") return await CLIENT.room_send( room_id=room_id, message_type="m.room.message", content=content ) async def main(event): """ Launch main coroutine. matrix client login & start web server """ LOGGER.info(f"Log in {conf.MATRIX_ID=} on {conf.MATRIX_URL=}") await CLIENT.login(conf.MATRIX_PW) server = web.Server(handler) runner = web.ServerRunner(server) await runner.setup() LOGGER.info(f"Binding on {conf.SERVER_ADDRESS=}") site = web.TCPSite(runner, *conf.SERVER_ADDRESS) await site.start() # Run until we get a shutdown request await event.wait() # Cleanup await runner.cleanup() await CLIENT.close() def terminate(event, signal): """Close handling stuff.""" event.set() asyncio.get_event_loop().remove_signal_handler(signal) def run(): """Launch everything.""" LOGGER.info("Starting...") loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() event = asyncio.Event() for sig in (SIGINT, SIGTERM): loop.add_signal_handler(sig, terminate, event, sig) loop.run_until_complete(main(event)) LOGGER.info("Closing...") loop.close() if __name__ == "__main__": log_format = "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(lineno)d - %(levelname)s - %(message)s" logging.basicConfig(level=50 - 10 * conf.VERBOSE, format=log_format) run()