2023-01-17 10:20:48 -05:00

854 B

I think I got the base of this backup script from (but I'm not 100% sure) This is my extension of that script which serves my purposes. I have added a notification wrapper, some error checking (which still could be improved) and moved a lot of stuff to the env file so that the base script can be run without local changes getting overwitten

Running it

Eventually I will probably formalize this documentation a bit better, but the quick version is:

  1. mkdir /etc/restic
  2. copy the to /etc/restic
  3. copy the env to /etc/restic
  4. modify the env to suit your needs
  5. setup the systemd timer stuff
    1. copy the etc/systemd/system/restic-backup.* files to /etc/systemd/system
    2. systemctl daemon-reload
    3. systemctl enable --now restic-backup.timer